anxiety, bonus family, change, chronic illness, depression, fathers day, goals, happiness, inked, insomniac, invisible pain, lupus, lupus flare, not fatherless, poetry, support, tattoos, Uncategorized, vertical sleeve gasrectomy, vsg, weightloss, wls

Leap Day 💫Forever Young, Poppa.

Sixteen or four; it doesn’t matter how I count the years Each one passes and some days are still filled with tears What I wouldn’t give for you to call and tell me how much you love me, just once more. Or curl up beside you to watch the Walton’s for the thousandth time- “I… Continue reading Leap Day 💫Forever Young, Poppa.

anxiety, bonus family, change, chronic illness, depression, fathers day, goals, happiness, inked, insomniac, invisible pain, lupus, lupus flare, not fatherless, poetry, support, tattoos, Uncategorized, vertical sleeve gasrectomy, vsg, weightloss, wls

12/29/2023 ⭐️ Happy 61st Birthday, Poppa!

I’ve written to you so many times. . . Filled a thousand pages with deep letters and even silly rhymes. I still talk to you; out loud & in my head. Some times while I’m driving aimlessly or just lying in my bed. I tell stories about you every chance I can. Of laughter and… Continue reading 12/29/2023 ⭐️ Happy 61st Birthday, Poppa!

anxiety, bonus family, change, chronic illness, depression, fathers day, goals, happiness, inked, insomniac, invisible pain, lupus, lupus flare, not fatherless, poetry, support, tattoos, Uncategorized, vertical sleeve gasrectomy, vsg, weightloss, wls

Three Months without you, Aunt Claud. đŸ’›

Aunt Claud, it’s been three months without you here. . . Three months of missing you, being angry, laughing at the memories, and crying rivers of tears. . . I keep ripping open the scabs on my broken heart but there are some wounds I don’t know that I will ever let heal. I keep… Continue reading Three Months without you, Aunt Claud. đŸ’›

anxiety, change, chronic illness, depression, happiness, inked, insomniac, invisible pain, lupus, lupus flare, poetry, support, Uncategorized

She is me, I am her; I am her, She is me.

“She’s tough.” I’ve heard that line before. “She’s strong.” They don’t know she breaks down, behind her closed door. “She’s brave.” But if only they really knew. “She’s unstoppable.” They don’t see the hell she’s been through. “She’s wild.” They don’t see the other side. “She’s the life of the party.” She can’t tell them… Continue reading She is me, I am her; I am her, She is me.

anxiety, bonus family, change, chronic illness, depression, fathers day, goals, happiness, inked, insomniac, invisible pain, lupus, lupus flare, not fatherless, poetry, support, tattoos, Uncategorized, vertical sleeve gasrectomy, vsg, weightloss, wls

Oh Aunt Claud. đŸ’›

Oh Aunt Claud, now who do I yell inappropriate things at from across the street? Who’s gonna tell me over and over - “girl, no grass grows under your feet.” I am so thankful for the stories you always told me of our families time together in the past But I’d give anything to be… Continue reading Oh Aunt Claud. đŸ’›

anxiety, bonus family, change, chronic illness, depression, fathers day, goals, happiness, inked, insomniac, invisible pain, lupus, lupus flare, not fatherless, poetry, support, tattoos, Uncategorized, vertical sleeve gasrectomy, vsg, weightloss, wls

Living with Lupus đŸ‘ż

You see the matching nails and toes The perfectly coordinated shoes and clothes You see the attention to detail with the makeup on my face The hair carefully done with not a single strand out of place. You see the home filled with love and care The fridge filled with drinks and food; ready to… Continue reading Living with Lupus đŸ‘ż

anxiety, bonus family, change, chronic illness, depression, goals, happiness, inked, insomniac, invisible pain, lupus, not fatherless, poetry, support, tattoos, Uncategorized, vertical sleeve gasrectomy, vsg, weightloss, wls

Oh Sweet Child; Turning 34

Oh sweet child; never lose that spark or shine. Never stop looking up, those stars will surely align. Oh sweet child; be bold, be brave, bare your beautiful soul. Don’t push a way those ones who make your life whole. Oh sweet child; you will grow and learn and change more times than you can… Continue reading Oh Sweet Child; Turning 34

anxiety, bonus family, change, chronic illness, depression, fathers day, goals, happiness, inked, insomniac, invisible pain, lupus, not fatherless, poetry, support, tattoos, Uncategorized, vertical sleeve gasrectomy, vsg, weightloss, wls

They Pulled You Up

You were just young when your world turned gray. Dark clouds set in; every single day. Your world came crashing; it all fell down. Bricks and mortar; they slammed to the ground. Life as you knew it became something dark. Monsters were lurking and they left their mark. And you had no place to call… Continue reading They Pulled You Up

anxiety, bonus family, change, chronic illness, depression, fathers day, goals, happiness, inked, insomniac, invisible pain, lupus, not fatherless, poetry, support, tattoos, Uncategorized, vertical sleeve gasrectomy, vsg, weightloss, wls

Let Them

Let them blow a way when their season in your life has changed. Let them fall into place when the puzzle pieces need rearranged. Let them decide it’s time to leave for good and walk out the door. Let them love you like you’ve never known love before. Let them grow in a different direction… Continue reading Let Them

anxiety, bonus family, change, chronic illness, depression, fathers day, goals, happiness, inked, insomniac, invisible pain, lupus, not fatherless, poetry, support, tattoos, Uncategorized, vertical sleeve gasrectomy, vsg, weightloss, wls

Fifteen Years & You’re Still Forever Young, Poppa. đŸŒ™

Not a single day passes without a memory of you. A smile or a laugh, or a ‘what the hell would he do?’ I’ve heard a thousand stories about your kind and amazing soul. And even more of your silliness and you acting a fool. Strangers have told me endless stories of who you were.… Continue reading Fifteen Years & You’re Still Forever Young, Poppa. đŸŒ™